Welcome to the 2024 tennis year which begins on 1st April
The recent winter has been fairly cold and wet, so we sincerely hope that we can soon enjoy some warm sunshine as we move into the summer season. We have benefitted from the work carried out last year both outside on the courts, where the moss has been removed and more chairs provided, as well as the veranda, which has been enhanced with more and newer tables and chairs, and a more substantial roof covering. Inside the clubhouse in the bar area we can enjoy a post tennis drink and chat, and also watch Sky Sports on two large screens.
The club’s committee continues to manage day to day tennis activities but is also much more focussed on the future plans to grow membership. The main elements of the plan are to upgrade the floodlights and the electrical equipment that powers them, improve the netting and straining wires surrounding the courts, and determine how and when the court surfaces can be improved and/or replaced in the longer term.
Our award winning coach, Dennis Saunders, continues to increase the range of activities for both junior and senior members, and is instrumental in raising the standard of play throughout the club. He has organised and run many tournaments during the last twelve months, and the response to his efforts has been most welcome as all players (and especially juniors) continue to improve and enjoy their tennis even more. Dennis will continue to offer discounts to current club members, and expand the coaching activities to accommodate any members’ coaching requests e.g. cardio tennis, tennis fitness training sessions, team coaching, tennis shot clinics etc. Please give Dennis feedback, and feel free to ask about anything tennis and he can set it up. Please contact Dennis on his mobile 07951 672442 and/or by email at denandjo@sky.com
Our membership fees for this year have not been increased, and in some cases have been reduced, as we continue to seek to attract new members. Our rate for new senior adult members is at a great value £149 for the first year, and rates for junior members have been set at just £20 for new and existing members.
We offer regular turn up and play sessions for all senior members, while Dennis runs similar sessions for the juniors. There are always opportunities to represent the club in matches, home and away, against other clubs throughout Kent. Men's, Ladies and Mixed matches in the Kent and North Kent leagues take place throughout the summer on weekday mornings, weekday evenings, and weekends.
Use of floodlight play has also increased over the last year, partly via coaching sessions run by Dennis, and also via social play in the evenings. We would like to continue to increase floodlight play, especially after the improvements to the floodlights themselves have been made. Playing under lights costs just £6 per hour per court.
We continue to advertise the club, mainly via social media. We always waive any initial court fees for non members who give us a try and then join.
We will continue to hold social events in the clubhouse and encourage members and friends to join us. The first of these will be on Friday April 12th, which will be a quiz evening with bring your own nibbles. Members are reminded that the Hall can be hired for private functions at very competitive rates.
All members will continue to be contacted via email and WhatsApp to inform of planned social events and tournaments, as well as this information being available on the club website, and on the club’s 'Hayes Tennis Club players’ news page on Facebook etc.
Finally, we welcome Karl Kelledy as board director, alongside current directors, Phil Barlow and myself; Karl has provided significant improvements in the running of the club, and the long term financial process based on his former business experience.
Facilities for members are as follows:
Finally, we always welcome new members, regardless of playing standard. If you are interested, make contact via Dennis Saunders or myself, Felicity Crowther at felicitycrowther@yahoo.com
Written by a recent new member: Helen Rowan
I have become a new member of Hayes Tennis Club this winter. I was looking for a social club which had plenty of opportunities to play tennis during the winter season, and they have not disappointed.
I was able to play three sessions with no obligation to join and then given a new members discount when I signed up for the winter season. I have been made welcome by all of the members, which makes it no surprise that they were awarded “North Kent club of the Year” in 2018. It is always daunting when starting at a new club in getting to know people, but there were numerous sessions I could take part in, morning and evening, midweek and weekend, (flood-lighting available on three of their courts) and of course as you get to know the members, you find yourself included in extra social 4’s.
I enjoy playing competitively, and to date have played in both the North Kent League and the Kent League for the club, but even if I hadn’t, there was ample opportunity to just participate in friendly competitive social play. What I have been most impressed with is the ease with which all different age groups play together, and the respect they hold for each other.
Will I be staying for the summer season?
I actually can’t wait for it to start. From hearing what the other members say, I know it is a busy time of year with many different events, both tennis and social. I wholeheartedly recommend that you get your racket out this summer and come and give Hayes Tennis Club a try. You have absolutely nothing to lose and the friendship of a great crowd to gain.